Graph Types

This package provides several graph types that implement different subsets of interfaces. In particular, it has four graph types:

  • GenericEdgeList
  • GenericAdjacencyList
  • GenericIncidenceList
  • GenericGraph

All of these types are parametric. One can easily derive customized graph types using different type parameters.

Edge List

GenericEdgeList implements the edge list representation of a graph, where a list of all edges is maintained by each graph.

Here is the definition of GenericEdgeList:

type EdgeList{V,E,VList,EList} <: AbstractGraph{V, E}

It has four type parameters:

  • V: the vertex type
  • E: the edge type
  • VList: the type of the vertex list
  • EList: the type of the edge list

The package defines the following aliases for convenience:

typealias SimpleEdgeList{E} GenericEdgeList{Int,E,UnitRange{Int},Vector{E}}
typealias EdgeList{V,E} GenericEdgeList{V,E,Vector{V},Vector{E}}

GenericEdgeList implements the following interfaces

  • vertex_list
  • vertex_map
  • edge_list
  • edge_map

Specifically, it implements the following methods:


returns whether g is a directed graph.


returns the number of vertices contained in g.


returns an iterable view/container of all vertices.


returns the number of edges contained in g.

vertex_index(v, g)

returns the index of a vertex v in graph g


returns the list of all edges

edge_index(e, g)

returns the index of e in graph g.

In addition, it implements following methods for construction:

simple_edgelist(nv, edges[, is_directed=true])

constructs a simple edge list with nv vertices and the given list of edges.

edgelist(vs, edges[, is_directed=true])

constructs an edge list given lists of vertices and edges.

Adjacency List

GenericAdjacencyList implements the adjacency list representation of a graph, where each vertex maintains a list of neighbors (i.e. adjacent vertices).

Here is the definition of GenericAdjacencyList:

type GenericAdjacencyList{V, VList, AdjList} <: AbstractGraph{V, Edge{V}}

It has three type parameters:

  • V: the vertex type
  • VList: the type of vertex list
  • AdjList: the type of the adjacency list. Let a be an instance of AdjList, and i be the index of a vertex, then a[i] must be an iterable container of the neighbors.

The package defines following aliases for convenience:

typealias SimpleAdjacencyList GenericAdjacencyList{Int, UnitRange{Int}, Vector{Vector{Int}}}
typealias AdjacencyList{V} GenericAdjacencyList{V, Vector{V}, Vector{Vector{V}}}

GenericAdjacencyList implements the following interfaces

  • vertex_list
  • vertex_map
  • adjacency_list

Specifically, it implements the following methods:


returns whether g is a directed graph.


returns the number of vertices contained in g.


returns an iterable view/container of all vertices.


returns the number of edges contained in g.

vertex_index(v, g)

returns the index of a vertex v in graph g

out_degree(v, g)

returns the number of outgoing neighbors from vertex v in graph g.

out_neighbors(v, g)

returns an iterable view/container of all outgoing neighbors of vertex v in graph g.

In addition, it implements following methods for construction:

simple_adjlist(nv[, is_directed=true])

constructs a simple adjacency list with nv vertices and no edges (initially).

adjlist(V[, is_directed=true])

constructs an empty adjacency list of vertex type V.

adjlist(vs[, is_directed=true])

constructs an adjacency list with a vector of vertices given by vs.

add_vertex!(g, v)

adds a vertex v. This function applies only to graph of type AdjacencyList. It returns the added vertex.

If the vertex type is KeyVertex{K}, then the second argument here can be the key value, and the function will constructs a vertex and assigns an index.

add_edge!(g, u, v)

adds an edge between u and v, such that v becomes an outgoing neighbor of u. If g is undirected, then u is also added to the neighbor list of v.

Incidence List

GenericIncidenceList implements the incidence list representation of a graph, where each vertex maintains a list of outgoing edges.

Here is the definition of GenericIncidenceList:

type GenericIncidenceList{V, E, VList, IncList} <: AbstractGraph{V, E}

It has four type parameters:

  • V: the vertex type
  • E: the edge type
  • VList: the type of vertex list
  • IncList: the type of incidence list. Let a be such a list, then a[i] should be an iterable container of edges.

The package defines following aliases for convenience:

typealias SimpleIncidenceList GenericIncidenceList{Int, IEdge, UnitRange{Int}, Vector{Vector{IEdge}}}
typealias IncidenceList{V,E} GenericIncidenceList{V, E, Vector{V}, Vector{Vector{E}}}

GenericIncidenceList implements the following interfaces:

  • vertex_list
  • vertex_map
  • edge_map
  • adjacency_list
  • incidence_list

Specially, it implements the following methods:


returns whether g is a directed graph.


returns the number of vertices contained in g.


returns an iterable view/container of all vertices.


returns the number of edges contained in g.

vertex_index(v, g)

returns the index of a vertex v in graph g

edge_index(e, g)

returns the index of an edge e in graph g.

source(e, g)

returns the source vertex of an edge e in graph g.

target(e, g)

returns the target vertex of an edge e in graph g.

out_degree(v, g)

returns the number of outgoing neighbors from vertex v in graph g.

out_edges(v, g)

returns the number of outgoing edges from vertex v in graph g.

out_neighbors(v, g)

returns an iterable view/container of all outgoing neighbors of vertex v in graph g.

Note: out_neighbors here is implemented based on out_edges via a proxy type. Therefore, it may be less efficient than the counterpart for GenericAdjacencyList.

In addition, it implements following methods for construction:

simple_inclist(nv[, is_directed=true])

constructs a simple incidence list with nv vertices and no edges (initially).

inclist(V[, is_directed=true])

constructs an empty incidence list of vertex type V. The edge type is Edge{V}.

inclist(vs[, is_directed=true])

constructs an incidence list with a list of vertices vs. The edge type is Edge{V}.

inclist(V, E[, is_directed=true])

constructs an empty incidence list of vertex type V. The edge type is E.

inclist(vs, E[, is_directed=true])

constructs an incidence list with a list of vertices vs. The edge type is E.

add_vertex!(g, x)

adds a vertex. Here, x can be of a vertex type, or can be made into a vertex using make_vertex(g, x).

add_edge!(g, e)

adds an edge e to the graph.

add_edge!(g, u, v)

adds an edge between u and v. This applies when make_edge(g, u, v) is defined for the input types.


GenericGraph provides a complete interface by integrating edge list, bidirectional adjacency list, and bidirectional incidence list into one type. The definition is given by

type GenericGraph{V,E,VList,EList,IncList} <: AbstractGraph{V,E}

It has six type parameters:

  • V: the vertex type
  • E: the edge type
  • VList: the type of vertex list
  • EList: the type of edge list
  • IncList: the type of incidence list

It also defines SimpleGraph as follows

typealias SimpleGraph GenericGraph{Int,IEdge,UnitRange{Int},Vector{IEdge},Vector{Vector{IEdge}}}

and a more full-fledged type Graph as follows

typealias Graph{V,E} GenericGraph{V,E,Vector{V},Vector{E},Vector{Vector{E}}}

GenericGraph implements the following interfaces:

  • vertex_list
  • edge_list
  • vertex_map
  • edge_map
  • adjacency_list
  • incidence_list
  • bidirectional_adjacency_list
  • bidirectional_incidence_list

Specifically, it implements the following methods:


returns whether g is a directed graph.


returns the number of vertices contained in g.


returns an iterable view/container of all vertices.


returns the number of edges contained in g.


returns an iterable view/container of all edges.

vertex_index(v, g)

returns the index of a vertex v in graph g

edge_index(e, g)

returns the index of a vertex e in graph g.

source(e, g)

returns the source vertex of an edge e in graph g.

target(e, g)

returns the target vertex of an edge e in graph g.

out_degree(v, g)

returns the number of outgoing neighbors from vertex v in graph g.

out_edges(v, g)

returns the number of outgoing edges from vertex v in graph g.

out_neighbors(v, g)

returns an iterable view/container of all outgoing neighbors of vertex v in graph g.

in_degree(v, g)

returns the number of incoming neighbors to vertex v in graph g.

in_edges(v, g)

returns the number of incoming edges to vertex v in graph g.

in_neighbors(v, g)

returns an iterable view/container of all incoming neighbors to vertex v in graph g.

In addition, it also implements the following methods for construction:

simple_graph(nv[, is_directed=true])

constructs an instance of SimpleGraph with nv vertices and no edges (initially).

graph(vertices, edges[, is_directed=true])

constructs an instance of Graph with given vertices and edges.

add_vertex!(g, x)

adds a vertex. Here, x can be of a vertex type, or can be made into a vertex using make_vertex(g, x).

add_edge!(g, e)

adds an edge e to the graph.

add_edge!(g, u, v)

adds an edge between u and v. This applies when make_edge(g, u, v) is defined for the input types.